Our Baristi

Our baristi are the living embodiment of our commitment to social value and service. As stewards of our exceptional hospitality, personal attention, and human kindness, we created a comprehensive training program to ensure that each of them is equipped with the knowledge and tools to create a delicious experience for you. 

Every Caffe Luxxe barista undergoes a minimum of 6-12 months of meticulous training, where they learn and master not only our artisan approach to coffee preparation, but also our fundamental service philosophy. They are mentored, guided, and recognized for their efforts as they build their skills. And in return they receive more than just job training, they take with them the confidence of mastery that we believe translates into the motivation to stay curious and seek more opportunities for growth throughout their lives. 

We train our baristi to excel at what they do, to be proud of their work, and to approach service as a way of bringing more joy and beauty into the world. It’s all part of how we dedicate ourselves to living La Bella Vita. 


man making pour over coffee

woman tamping coffee

baristi smiling

man making pour overs

women making coffee
